Dr. Marjorie Bowers Consultants, LLC.

Marjorie Bowers, EdD, RN, NRP
Dr. Marjorie Bowers has been involved in emergency medicine since 1968. Her wide range of experience in this industry includes emergency nursing, flight nursing, street paramedicine, and Emergency Medical Services education. She previously served as a team member on both a federal Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT) and a State Medical Response Team (SMRT).
Dr. Bowers holds a doctoral degree in higher education from the Florida State University and a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership from Florida Atlantic University. She is National Registered Paramedic and Registered Nurse.
During her 26-year tenure at Indian River State College in Ft. Pierce, Florida, she received the State of Florida EMS Educator of the year award, was an appointee to the State of Florida EMS Advisory Council, and was chosen as one of only a few educators nationwide to serve on the Educational Standards Curriculum Revision Committee for the National Association of EMS Educators and NHTSA. She previously was a team leader for paramedic program site visits for the Committee on Accreditation of Educational Program for the EMS Professions. She has developed and delivered presentations at numerous local, regional, state, and national meetings and conferences.
Throughout her career, Dr. Bowers has assisted thousands of EMT and paramedic students successfully complete National and State of Florida certifying exams.