Third-Party Scholarships

Currently, Treasure Coast Medical and Fire Institute does not provide financial aid or accept FASFA. However, scholarships from third-party organizations are accepted. Below are some of the scholarship opportunities available. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our front office.

EMT Program
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

Treasure Coast Medical and Fire Institute is an approved Training Program for Career Source Research Coast, a third-party funding program. Their funding is awarded based on need, availability, and several other factors.
Youth Training opportunities are available through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). The WIOA program provides eligible and suitable candidates from 18 years to 24 years of age with a wide range of training opportunities.
To apply:
Click on the Menu and Select "Job Seekers"
Under Training Opportunities, select "Learn More"
Under "What happens next?" register in Employ Florida, if you haven't already
Then fill out your information in the Training Interest Form
A CareerSource Career Planner will contact you to go over the program
For more information or any questions, contact CareerSource at (866) 482-4473.
Florida Association of Emergency Medical Services Educators
The Florida Association of Emergency Medical Services Educators (FAEMSE) Foundation provides scholarships for individuals pursuing a career as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) or Paramedic. The FAEMSE Foundation Scholarships will be given out twice a year, at the January and the June meeting of FAEMSE. The January meeting is associated with the Fire Florida Fire Conference Conference in Orlando, Florida and the June meeting is associated with the First Care First There Conference in Orlando, Florida.
The FAEMSE Foundation will award EMT scholarships of $250 and Paramedic scholarships of $500. These scholarships will be given directly to the students and can be used as the student chooses.
NAEMT Scholarship
The mission of the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians is to represent and serve Emergency Medical Services personnel through advocacy, educational programs and research. To allow for the advancement of EMS personnel, NAEMT is proud to offer a scholarship opportunity for NAEMT members interested in advancing their EMS education.
For more NAEMT Scholarship Program Information: https://www.naemt.org/docs/default-source/member-resources-documents/NAEMT_Scholarship_Program_Information_Rev.pdf?sfvrsn=3e59a5d0_0
To submit your application:
Florida Fire Chief's Association
Community Foundation
Martin & St. Lucie Residents:
The For Paul Foundation
Michael J. Latta EMS Scholarship Foundation
Bound Tree Legacy Scholarship

Paramedic Program
Career Source Funding

Treasure Coast Medical and Fire Institute is an approved Training Program for Career Source Research Coast, a third-party funding program. Their funding is awarded based on need, availability, and several other factors. For more information, contact CareerSource at
(866) 482-4473.
Florida Association of Emergency Medical Services Educators
The Florida Association of Emergency Medical Services Educators (FAEMSE) Foundation provides scholarships for individuals pursuing a career as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) or Paramedic. The FAEMSE Foundation Scholarships will be given out twice a year, at the January and the June meeting of FAEMSE. The January meeting is associated with the Fire Florida Fire Conference Conference in Orlando, Florida and the June meeting is associated with the First Care First There Conference in Orlando, Florida.
The FAEMSE Foundation will award EMT scholarships of $250 and Paramedic scholarships of $500. These scholarships will be given directly to the students and can be used as the student chooses.
NAEMT Scholarship
The mission of the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians is to represent and serve Emergency Medical Services personnel through advocacy, educational programs and research. To allow for the advancement of EMS personnel, NAEMT is proud to offer a scholarship opportunity for NAEMT members interested in advancing their EMS education.
For more NAEMT Scholarship Program Information: https://www.naemt.org/docs/default-source/member-resources-documents/NAEMT_Scholarship_Program_Information_Rev.pdf?sfvrsn=3e59a5d0_0
To submit your application:
Community Foundation
Martin & St. Lucie Residents:
Martin & Palm Beach Residents: